Grandma Peaches, Part 2   Leave a comment

Oh, Hello there! Grandma Peaches here! I’m in the living room getting ready for the children. It’s such a wet, windy day out, we’re going to stay in and do some inside stuff. Last time the children worked so hard helping me pull the weeds out of the garden. Everyone of them was so tired when it was time to quit. So, today, we are going to have a much easier day coloring  and cutting out different things and reading books. Bobby and Tina asked if we can cut out some pictures. Oh, I must get their scissors out and put them beside things to be cut out. Yes, I have all their books to read and their coloring books and crayons.
One of the mothers said she would go around and get all the children and bring them. Moms take turns driving the kids when the weather is bad like it is today. At the moment, we seem to be between showers.
Oh good! Here they come now. I better go out on the porch and help them in. Hi Grandma Peaches!! Hey children! Come inside and get out
of your wet rain coats. You can put your umbrella’s over there. What are we going to do today, Grandma Peaches? Well Tommy, I thought since the weather is bad, we will, read books, color in your color books, or do cuts outs. You all seem to like doing those things. And you have your choice of what you want to do.
My! All of you are learning to do well with your projects. Staying inside the lines when you’re coloring. Does your horse have a name Johnny?
Yes, Grandma Peaches! His name is Giddy Up! That’s some name Johnny! He always names his horses funny names Grandma Peaches.
Yes he sure does Penny. That is a pretty tree Penny. And the leaves are so good.
Bobby and Tina! You two are doing a fine job cutting out those pictures. Not once have you cut inside the picture. Thank you Grandma
Peaches. Yeah, Thanks Grandma Peaches. When we get done with what we’re doing, we’re going to cut out some more. You may want to wait a few moments cause it’s time for snacks. After that you can do some more.
OK. Now, everyone come to the table. We’ll have our snacks in there.
We have milk and cookies. I thought I would make you a
surprise. I have some fresh, just out of the oven chocolate chip cookies and lemon cookies. No store-bought cookies for my children! I love baking for my kids! Enjoy them!
Now children, you can go back and finish your projects or if you have finished it, you may start another.  Grandma Peaches, we’re going to keep reading. We’re almost done with our books. That’s fine. Let’s see what you’re reading. Oh, I see, you’re reading together and learning the alphabet. Very good children!
We’re done, Grandma Peaches! We are too! And us! That’s good. We have just enough time to put things up and get ready for your ride. And, here she is now. Everyone got their rain coats and rain shoes on? OK  Don’t forget your umbrella’s. It’s raining again.
Bye Grandma Peaches! Bye! See you next time, Grandma Peaches!
Bye children! See you next time!
Now, I must go in and do a few more things before I sit down for a while.
I'm Grandma Peaches!

This came from the neighborhood children.

See everyone next time!

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